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Energy efficiency at FKM in Duisburg

The energy consultant „Prokunft“ carried out an energy audit according to DIN 16247-1 at the FKM site in Duisburg and examined our CO2 footprint. This means that we now know the eco-balance of our industrial company in order to be able to take efficient measures for sustainability. The result: we have homework to do in 11 areas – especially on our heating system, combined heat and power, printing equipment, renewable energies and lighting. With an investment of about 270 T €, the energy savings can amount to 50 T € annually. This pays off in the long run – for your wallet and the environment. There is also a state subsidy through the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA):

On the part of our customers, we also focus on sustainability with our technologies. We are always challenged to further develop our products and to check them for ESG criteria. With our polyurethane dredging hoses, we pay attention to environmentally friendly production, use and disposal. In this way, we prevent microplastics and plasticisers in our waters.

Sustainability criteria are part of our everyday business. More also here:

Quelle: FKM, Datenbasis: Energieaudit der Beratungsagentur Prokunft, 6/2021